Sunday, August 31, 2008


Another month comes to an end, and with it a year. The first year on my own in the wide world. This time last year everything was new and fresh and daunting.

A lot of the time it's still daunting, actually. But gradually things become normal to some extent. Yesterday, for example, I went to a party at a very nice house in a good area, there were around eighty guests there, and I knew only one of them. That would have been a serious worry a while ago. As it is now, I am aware that most others are in a similar situation and so I can relax and enjoy it - talking to assorted people, moving on from those who don't appeal in one way or another and having a good time with the ones who do. That's life in a nutshell, I suppose. It was a good time.

Meanwhile, as is the way with the passing of time, things need money spent on them this month. A whole lot of renewals come round at the same time. Also, my main computer died while in the middle of two freelance jobs that relied on it, and I had to hastily bite the bullet and buy another. Fortunately I found an ex-demo unit not too far away, and having spent out now have the pleasure of a much faster machine and can watch the readout of eight processer cores barely budging whatever I do. And I changed mobile phone suppliers and was cut off for two days while they changed me over. I'm hoping nobody tried to get hold of me urgently during that time.

I had a little pang while driving home from work on Friday as I realised it was now more than a year since I gave any of my family a hug. That's sad, and not something I can do much about except maybe write a note to tell them it occurred to me.

And thinking about the brethren situation today, it is noticeable that things appear to have loosened quite considerably even in the time since I've been gone. It is possible, I suppose, that it may ease some more and I may find that family becomes accessible. Whatever, so many things have now become acceptable that were previously banned that I think it will be hard for them to put the technology genie back in the bottle, at least. And that new connectivity can surely only help break down barriers.


Anonymous said...

Well done - and thank you for allowing me to read your journey and progress.

Anonymous said...

You are getting fewer comments, but don't give up - it is all interesting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. It will be hard to top this year for adventure. Wow! a trip to Peru is a once-in-a-lifetime event for most of us. I hope you are able to maintain contact with your family. I wish I had done better on that score.