Monday, September 3, 2007


It's been to busy to comment this evening. I had a list of things to do, and haven't accomplished them all. Last on the list was an early night in preparation for an outing tomorrow evening - that item doesn't look likely either.

I hadn't bargained on calls from friends. I have spoken to four by phone since coming home from work, and none of them are brethren. That is a lot more (even if coincidental) than I would have predicted for an average Monday night three weeks after leaving home and the brethren.

It's quite heart-warming. Nobody could call me outgoing, and I had anticipated some emotional stress replacing a long-standing circle of friends. On past performance, most new friends would be the distant email-writing kind. Well, there are those too, and I'm very pleased to know you (you know who you are), but I am very cheered to find that it isn't only that.

Long may it last, and much may it develop. It means a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's an exciting thing in this technological age to be in touch with new friends from around the world but we do need the regular company of real (physical)people to share life with. I'm certain your list will grow!